October 17, 2021

The project concept describes a robotic application named “Curi-O”, which uses a social telepresence robot to act as a robotic nurse to a patient (potentially an older adult) when they are discharged from a hospital. The robot accompanies the patient and remain as his/her/their companion for two-three weeks, assisting them with some certain tasks in their post-discharge life. On a holistic level, the scope of robotic post-discharge nursing can involve:

  • Telehealth medium, allowing doctors to provide remote consultation to their patients, while patients can also access their doctors conveniently. 
  • Telemedicine medium, allowing doctors to perform routine check-up with ease, deliver/remind discharged older adult patients to take medicines​
  • Telemonitoring medium, allowing doctors to monitor the older adults’ health, wellbeing, and Activities of Daily Living (ADL), and will allow the doctors to observe their patients’ transition to their normal life​ 
  • Teletherapy medium, allowing robot-based emotional and cognitive coaching to the patients

The Curi-O application is a cloud-based solution which will utilize Cyberselve’s Animus service and open-source robotic framework ROS to remotely connect and communicate with the robot. The robot will be equipped with the necessary client services on-board to communicate with the cloud service over a communication channel.


Runner-up at the Robotics+CARE mashup Hackathon 2021, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (Details about the event is here)

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