October 23, 2021

HW Telecare is a telepresence robotic application for elder care, based on a social telepresence robot Pepper. The React-based application have been developed and deployed using the RetraDev framework, allowing caregivers to remotely connect to the elderlies. The proposed telecare robotic application was tailored to assist the caregivers to checkup on their patients and conduct remote consultation sessions using Pepper as the telepresence robot.

The application was designed as a part of my Masters dissertation (see here).

Features of HWU Telecare

  • A modern, web-based telepresence user interface for caregivers to conduct robotic telecare operations
  • Remote face tracking ability of a robot to track face during teleconferencing
  • Secured teleconferencing capability for the caregivers to reach out to their patients quickly from anywhere
  • Real-time and safe robotic teleoperation with obstacle avoidance capability
  • User access control and management
  • Care telepresence robot monitoring and management
  • Elder patient health monitoring and data acquisition

Resources used (Tech stacks)

  • ReactJs
  • RetraDev framework
  • React bootstrap 4.6
  • Python3
  • Flask
  • Gstreamer




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